
Sunday, March 27, 2011

How to Stimulate the senses in Infants

First Lessons For Newborns are Stimulating the senses

Once born, babies are very sensitive and aware of the environment. You can deepen the relationship with the baby while stimulating pancainderanya.
What is most needed in the first days of a newborn baby? In addition to milk, of course, bonding with parents and full sensory stimulation INTA! Take advantage of all your five senses, involve also intuition, and Establish close relationship with the child through fun activities and educate the following:

Steps To Babies Love Books

There are several steps sharpshooter who make babies love books. Practice one by one on a regular basis.
Here are 7 important and easy steps taken to foster a love child from an early age to the book:

* In the introduction phase with the baby you can choose the time and the best chance. Choose the most convenient time for you and your baby. That is, when you're excited and fresh, and the child in a state not sleepy, satisfied and enthusiastic.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

baby baby baby baby baby: teeth when the baby grows

baby baby baby baby baby: teeth when the baby grows: "What is teething? Teething is when your baby's teeth begin to penetrate his gums and pops. As the root growth of teeth, tooth tip pushed..."

teeth when the baby grows

What is teething?

Teething is when your baby's teeth begin to penetrate his gums and pops. As the root growth of teeth, tooth tip pushed through the gum. Some people also call it 'cutting teeth'. Usually the event is accompanied by teething discomfort in infants. Do not be surprised if they become fussy.

When will my baby start teething?

When is your baby's first tooth appears, is nothing definite benchmark. On average, the starting age of 6 months,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

baby baby baby baby baby: Want to Know How to Stimulate Baby Want To Crawl?

baby baby baby baby baby: Want to Know How to Stimulate Baby Want To Crawl?: "You do have to worry if your baby does not crawl or crawled incorrect way until past the age of 8 months. Can not crawl caused by various..."

baby baby baby baby baby: Apparently Crawl Positive Impact on Infant Brain D...

baby baby baby baby baby: Apparently Crawl Positive Impact on Infant Brain D...: "Why your baby to crawl or not, always ask the doctor? Crawling is one milestone in infant motor development at age 7 to 8 months. In theor..."

baby baby baby baby baby: Other Benefits From Crawling To Babies

baby baby baby baby baby: Other Benefits From Crawling To Babies: "Crawling not only as a sign of growth of the baby, but also has many important benefits related to physical growth and infant brain. &nb..."

Other Benefits From Crawling To Babies

Crawling not only as a sign of growth of the baby, but also has many important benefits related to physical growth and infant brain.

* Strengthening the neck, hands, joints and muscles.

* Strengthens muscles large and small, mengahaluskan rough and fine motor skills.

* Supporting the hand-eye coordination, strength, muscle tension, balance, finger skills.

* Train both hemispheres. The movement crosses when crawling stimulates strengthen and integrate the two hemispheres of the brain or different areas of the brain. While helping to coordinate the use of both eyes, ears, hands and feet simultaneously

Apparently Crawl Positive Impact on Infant Brain Development

Why your baby to crawl or not, always ask the doctor? Crawling is one milestone in infant motor development at age 7 to 8 months. In theory, the crawl is a natural reflex that helps your baby to control his body to move, before he could walk. 

Creep. Skills crawl begins with crawling skills. When the crawl is homo lateral movement aka one direction (left hand forward, left foot forward), then the crawl is contra lateral movement or crossed (left hand forward, right foot forward). The correct movement is a baby crawl using both hands and knees to move like quadrupeds running: his right hand and left leg and right and left turns move simultaneously. To be able to crawl, before the baby should be able to hold the head upright without assistance and has a muscular arms and strong legs to hold her weight.

Want to Know How to Stimulate Baby Want To Crawl?

You do have to worry if your baby does not crawl or crawled incorrect way until past the age of 8 months. Can not crawl caused by various factors, ranging from malnutrition, obesity, lack of stimulation to crawl, to delayed development, coarse movement disorders, balance disorders and others. Here, tips for stimulating your baby and would love to crawl.

* Often tengkurapkan (tummy time) baby early on, which stimulates the body to lift, lift head and moves on its belly, which is a precursor to a crawl.

* Avoid baby walkers and often lower the infant from the stroller or sling to be placed in the room spacious and clean to stimulate crawling. Provide a base mat or carpet and safe from dangerous objects, such as socket.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

baby baby baby baby baby: Beware! Avoid Danger In The Kala Baby sleep

baby baby baby baby baby: Beware! Avoid Danger In The Kala Baby sleep: "Buzz up! Avoid Danger In The Kala Baby sleep BREASTFEEDING, lull, and change the baby in the middle of the night will feel much easier i..."

baby baby baby baby baby: Trick to lull baby asleep

baby baby baby baby baby: Trick to lull baby asleep: "Shutterstock The smell of the mother's body is what it takes baby to feel more calm. Little often fussy at bedtime? Mayb..."

Trick to lull baby asleep

The smell of the mother's body is what it takes baby to feel more calm.


Little often fussy at bedtime? Maybe he needs just a little help you to make it comfortable. Try to do some of these tips for rocked asleep.

Rub your feet
A little warm caress on the soles of the feet can make your child feel more comfortable. Take special baby massage oil, warm up with handfuls of the palm of your hand. Hold the baby's left ankle, bend your knees slightly, slowly rotating her feet. Use your thumb to perform a gentle massage on the heel of your baby, then climbed into his fingers gently. Try to do on one leg first, if it looks like it.

Beware! Avoid danger when the baby sleep

Buzz up!
Beware! Avoid danger when the baby sleep

BREASTFEEDING, lull, and change the baby in the middle of the night will feel much easier if the baby sleeping next to you. However, the action really could put your child in danger.

According to a study at St. Louis University in 2003, babies who slept in his parents' bed at risk of choking 40 times higher than

Friday, March 11, 2011

baby baby baby baby baby: Understanding Alerts - sign Tired Baby, swelter an...

baby baby baby baby baby: Understanding Alerts - sign Tired Baby, swelter an...: "FACING a baby, parents are often confused and awkward. Because the baby can not express what he feels or what he wants with the language we ..."

Understanding Alerts - sign Tired Baby, swelter and Chills

FACING a baby, parents are often confused and awkward. Because the baby can not express what he feels or what he wants with the language we understand. They can only cry or act fussy. As a result, if your baby cries and her diaper is wet, so we figured he was hungry or just plain spoiled. Though not necessarily, lo. He could have cried from the cold, swelter, or exhausted. 

As acknowledged dr. Anna Tjandrajani, Sp.A. from RSAB Harapan Kita, Jakarta, indeed not many people know cold infant characteristics, swelter, or exhausted. "However, if we know its properties, it's easy, lo, detect it." For that, he was willing to reveal "secrets" to us.

Come We Understand Why Your Baby Crying?

The crying baby turned out to have different voices to express any desires. You will gradually learn to understand the meaning of each of your baby's crying. 

Why do babies always cry? Babies cry because it's the only way they communicate with their parents. As a new parent you will feel that all the cries sound the same and ask what exactly diingikan your baby. But with time you will slowly learn to understand the meaning of each of your baby's crying, so you do not become panic or despair because of her crying again. 

Be assured along with the time you will learn that crying babies have different sounds, it's not easy to understand,

baby baby baby baby baby: Liquids Magic: BMS (breast milk)

baby baby baby baby baby: Liquids Magic: BMS (breast milk): " And We commanded to man (do good) to two mother-father, his mother had conceived him in a state of weakness that increa..."

baby baby baby baby baby: The greatness of the largest in the Brain Child

baby baby baby baby baby: The greatness of the largest in the Brain Child: "At birth, infants have more than 100 billion points (cells) in the brain. The point of this point still in place, and if children think t..."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

baby baby baby baby baby: HOW TO CREATE CHILDREN SMART AND GOOD?

baby baby baby baby baby: HOW TO CREATE CHILDREN SMART AND GOOD?: "All children have talents intelligent since birth, because God gave the gift of the same brain in all children. Furthermore, depending on ..."


Creating a child who is not smart and behaving badly, is also very easy. How:

Children continue to receive bad examples, both from the environment, from parents,

and television

Dimaki with harsh words, beaten, insulted, and given the degrading treatment of children

Children are often given food containing hazardous chemicals

If children continue to receive bad treatment, then jumps in his brain power

will be met by the memory (memory) are bad, which is stored in a child's brain until he

adult. Bad memories will make the child


All children have talents intelligent since birth, because God gave the gift of the same brain in all children. Furthermore, depending on the parents, how to utilize the talent in your child's brain was incredible. The trick is not difficult, let's try:

Spend at least 2 hours a day with your kids

As with children, you can apply as friends, hear stories of children, singing

together, play (print sand, measure water, play teachers students

The greatness of the largest in the Brain Child

At birth, infants have more than 100 billion points (cells) in the brain. The point of this point still in place, and if children think there will be a leap of electricity from one point to another. When children are often encouraged to think about anything else then jumps more electricity will occur. The more intelligent the more it will springboard our children, because the memory in the brain increases. When children face any event, his memory will go back down the pathways in the brain that has been formed and found the data stored there.

How electric stepping it often occurs in the brains of our children?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Strength Powerful Kissing Babies For Intelligence

Hot kiss from both parents at the heart of fruit, indirectly to hone emotional intelligence for the child.
"What is meant here is a kiss that shows compassion in children. It could be done at any time, the more frequent the better," said Agustina Rusdiah SPSI, SPdI, consultant child and family psychology, in Gorontalo.
He mentioned, not only kiss, but hugs or caresses and soft words can also stimulate the child's emotional intelligence.

Liquids Magic: BMS (breast milk)

    And We commanded to man (do good) to two mother-father, his mother had conceived him in a state of weakness that increase steadily, and weaning in two years. Give thanks to Me and to your fathers mother of two, only to return unto me. (Surah Luqman, 31:14)
Breast milk (ASI) is a matchless creation of God to meet the nutritional needs of infants and protect against possible disease. The balance of nutrients in mother's milk is

Infant Intelligence Tips

Staring Eyes
Inviting speak with expression expressive
tickle body
narrative when activity
Singing along
Introduce a variety of textures
Inviting shopping
Provides shock
Reading books

baby baby baby baby baby: Gymnastics Brain to Stimulate Infant Intelligence

baby baby baby baby baby: Gymnastics Brain to Stimulate Infant Intelligence: "EXCEPT genetic factors, the intelligence of a baby or child is also dependent on environmental factors. Among other things, proper nutrit..."

Gymnastics Brain to Stimulate Infant Intelligence

EXCEPT genetic factors, the intelligence of a baby or child is also dependent on environmental factors. Among other things, proper nutrition, immunization, and stimulation or stimulation.

Infants who received continuous stimulation accurately and will certainly affect brain development. With so expected physical, mental, and intellectual will go beyond basic skills or genetic potential.

Research proves that the experiences and stimuli received in the first year of life affects the development and brain function later in life.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby Skin Care

Having a baby is a happy gift for every parent. But without proper infant health care, sure baby will not grow as expected. One of the health care that are important for the baby is a baby skin care.

Skin care is not the same baby skin care on adults. Baby's skin is more sensitive and thin, so many things can be dangerous to health. One baby is a skin disease eczema. Baby's health would be very disturbed if it appears eczema on her skin. Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin dry and itchy, experienced by 10-20% of infants. Infant eczema usually affects the skin on the face of the cheeks, elbows and knees. Signs of eczema begins with a rash on baby's skin, reddish accompanied by a sense that is very itchy. Eczema is not contagious. But because it is very itchy, babies are encouraged to scratch, resulting in skin affected by eczema can be scratched and getting flushed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Infant Malnutrition, Reduced Cognitive Resources

Children who at the age from zero to five years should get the nutrients according to their needs, because of the lack of one element alone will make their growth impaired.

One of the elements such as iron. When children receive the level of food intake with a low content of iron deficiency then results in the brain (reduced ability of the brain), although they get medical treatment from the beginning, it was reported by American researchers.

Results of a study of 185 Costa Rican adolescents show that they are at the age of five suffer iron deficiency in nutrition during the first five years of their lives, never passed the memory tests and the ability to learn, and the greater the iron deficiency in the nutrients obtained at the age of five years, the worse the condition is also in conjunction with their age.

Baby Health Massage

We certainly about massage. There is a massage spa, private massage, reflexology, etc.. Well here are some tips on infant massage:

1. It should not be doing baby massage when the baby is feeding or after feeding, try to at least one hour before or after doing so.

2. Should be done before the baby shower, then followed by a shower so that the baby will feel more refreshed.

Baby care tips

tips on caring for babies: Babies are weak and sensitive creatures that need special care as a whole. Caring for babies is not enough just to routine and regular maintenance, but also must be full of love because it will provide comfort and safety to the baby.

Currently, many mothers are no longer able to care for her own baby as demanded by the job so they have to hire a baby sitter. Select a sitter gentle and patient, yet agile take care of your baby. If possible find a baby sitter on the recommendation of colleagues who you know, because now a lot of syndicates selling baby or infant abduction.

Infant Allergies Can Do With milk?

Perhaps you've heard colleagues say that if her baby had milk allergy. Indeed, some communities We believe in this milk allergy. It also may cause fear for you. Moreover, as a sense of affection towards baby We make We want to always give exclusive breastfeeding. But is it true that this Mother's milk can cause allergies?

Infant formula and its benefits

More and more manufacturers are producing milk or formula as an additional fitting breast milk for babies. Many who advertise using their products will be able to improve the intelligence of a baby's brain and make children more eager to eat, or even are increasing kekebelan child's body with a variety of content that exists in the milk.

A baby is feeding from breast milk will get

Infant and Toddler Health Tips

Here are some tips to maintain the health of your baby and toddler:

Drying the baby in the morning

Babies need to be dried in the sun in the morning to warm the body, but do not need to force this activity every day. So, assuming that the baby should be dried in the sun every day are not fully correct. Even if you are drying your baby, no need for long, just 10-15 minutes just before eight in the morning. This is important for infants who are born yellow. Due to the morning sun to decipher bilirubin into water soluble compounds and excreted as urine.

Milk bottle when the baby is sleeping

Actually, milk bottles for babies
