
Thursday, March 10, 2011


Creating a child who is not smart and behaving badly, is also very easy. How:

Children continue to receive bad examples, both from the environment, from parents,

and television

Dimaki with harsh words, beaten, insulted, and given the degrading treatment of children

Children are often given food containing hazardous chemicals

If children continue to receive bad treatment, then jumps in his brain power

will be met by the memory (memory) are bad, which is stored in a child's brain until he

adult. Bad memories will make the child has a bad habit.

Treat your parents to children since childhood will determine whether the child would be useful or become a criminal!

In this world there are no stupid children, that there are children whose brains are not trained properly and did not receive useful input. ?

The parents may not have much to know, that the brain child (and the human brain in general), divided into two parts, the left and right brain. Both parts have different functions. Both parts of the brain if only used one of them continuously, it will be very dangerous, because it can occur rarely used the side of the brain that would have weakened or even dead at all.

The right brain has the task of managing human emotions, the power of intuition, creativity, and personality. The right brain has the ability of reflection and durability a longer memory. A person with right brain abilities rely more on feeling, easy to pity, empaty large, and has the capability of communication (linguistic), but less good managerial skills. How it works right brain is usually not structured, and tend not to think about things that are too detailed. Examples of people who rely on right brain than left brain is an artist.

While the left brain usually associated with analytic intelligence, to think with reason (logic), analysis, language skills and a good count. The right brain associated with systematic and mathematical thinking, and tend individualistic. How the brain works is very neat, structured and systematic. Usually the left brain is very useful when used to understand complex issues and needs detailed thought. People who usually rely more on the left brain is a researcher or scientist.

Education nowadays most prefer the left brain. Resulting in many people did not believe the sense of intuition, predictive power and capability perspective is a general phenomenon in which the right brain function depressed by the left brain. Parents often find that the smart kids are smart kids math, science, and other systematic school lessons. Indeed, the child can be said to have IQ (Intelegent quatation) is very good, but there are other intelligence that is often overlooked, namely emotional intelligence or a quote right brain (EQ).

A left-brain intelligence might have good school grades, high rank in class, but he could be trouble hanging out, life organized almost monotonous, and less able to finish its self in other situations than the usual he faced. While children with right-brain intelligence can be more relaxed, enjoy anywhere because he was easy to adjust, artistic, and have the creativity to solve problems in many ways. But be careful, if the right brain is dominant will be dangerous too, because he tends to think of something outline only, refuse to examine in more detail, lazy, sleeping a lot, and oversimplify the problem.

So parents and educators should consider the balance between these two parts of the brain. If a balance is reached, then the children in her future life will be better because the more easily deal with various problems.

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