
Friday, March 11, 2011

Understanding Alerts - sign Tired Baby, swelter and Chills

FACING a baby, parents are often confused and awkward. Because the baby can not express what he feels or what he wants with the language we understand. They can only cry or act fussy. As a result, if your baby cries and her diaper is wet, so we figured he was hungry or just plain spoiled. Though not necessarily, lo. He could have cried from the cold, swelter, or exhausted. 

As acknowledged dr. Anna Tjandrajani, Sp.A. from RSAB Harapan Kita, Jakarta, indeed not many people know cold infant characteristics, swelter, or exhausted. "However, if we know its properties, it's easy, lo, detect it." For that, he was willing to reveal "secrets" to us.

BABY mugginess
We also often incorrectly detect the body temperature of children increases. Presumed sick, not him just swelter. The causes of child swelter, according to Anna is more influenced environmental factors such as lack of ventilation, the weather outside is hot, cramped room or a light that comes into the room too much.


1. Children began to get nervous.
2. Child's skin began to redden or melegam than ever.
3. Sweating, both in the forehead, head, and underarms. His clothes were also wet.
4. The skin on other parts of her body so dry.
5. His lips were too dry.

If not quickly treated, children can become dehydrated. Here are the steps to overcome:


Keep the child from sources of heat, and cool indoor air. If it was in the hot sun, immediately take shelter. If you were inside a closed room that is less ventilation, such as in a car that is not air-cooled, take the child out of the vehicle.

Remove the child's blanket. Also, babies should not dibedong. "We were scared, because accustomed dibedong, then when everything that covered her body disposed of, the child actually shivering." If that does happen, watch out. Perhaps, the increased temperature is a fever.

Put the baby clothes are suitable for tropical climates, such as cotton or materials that absorb sweat. Replace as soon as possible baby clothes soaked with sweat.

After that, measure your child's temperature with a thermometer. If the results show the number from 36 to 37.5 degrees Celsius, meaning he is still normal. If more than 37.5 degrees Celsius, the possibility of child fever. If up to 39 degrees Celsius, meaning he had a high fever, especially if it reached 40 degrees Celsius over, he could be experiencing hyperthermia.

To distinguish hot with pain, how practical is the feeling of the child, whether his body temperature equal to or greater than our bodies. "But this way still no guarantee. At the right, measured with a thermometer," anjur Anna.

BABY exhausted
We also need to know the characteristics of infants who experience fatigue. Usually this happens when the quality of sleep or less, is too often held, or too old to play. According to Anna, usually children who have exhausted definitely going to sleep by itself. However, it can be looked at more thoroughly.



Fussy baby. When once asked to take a walk and diteteki still fussy, it could be the boy's exhausted. Soothe him with a way to make him comfortable, so she can fall asleep with a soundly. Maybe he's also looking for a place to sleep.

His eyes glazed, not excited, or wither. However, according to Anna, this feature does not always guarantee that the baby is tired. It may be that he was ill. That's why our kids really understand well. Always check the physical condition and body temperature, including feces. If we suspect, quickly take it to the doctor. It must be remembered, too often exhausted will reduce the immune system and then invite disease.

BABY cold

Characteristics of the newborn / neonate:

1. Children shiver, though usually this feature is not easily seen in small babies.
2. Child's skin looks mottled, white or mixed red splotches arise.
3. Children appear apathetic or silent.
4. Worse yet, children became blue which can be seen on the lips and the tip of his fingers.
5. If it is still allowed, children can stop breathing.
6. Peak, the child can get hypothermia and die.

However, parents need not worry too much. Usually, the first indication can already be seen by a nurse or doctor who then handle it by taking action heating or heatradian (disinar by ordinary light and blanketed). If I need to use a heated mattress. "Still, to be sure, the baby should be directly measured body temperature with a thermometer. If the number is below 35 degrees Celsius, it means that children exposed to hypothermia, normal temperature for humans is 36 to 37.5 degrees Celsius," says Anna.

For Babies 1 Month On
Even if the baby is stronger now than ever before, if the ambient temperature is so low and not make him comfortable, most likely the child is too cold. Features, according to Anna, one can be detected by naked eye, there is also a must with palpability.

1. Which can be detected by naked eye
Baby's condition is not much different from a cold neonatal infants. Characteristics:

* He tends to say anything.
* The skin of children seen pinto, white or mixed red-stained spots.
* Children become blue with features, lips and the tip of her fingers turn blue. If allowed, the child may stop breathing. Peak, the child may develop hypothermia. If not promptly treated, death may occur. "It's just that the baby will be faster blue neonates. While in infants greater changes will be a little longer," says Anna.

2. Which can be detected with the palpability

* Hand and his palms were cold, so did her feet.
* His body was colder than our bodies. To be sure, check with a thermometer that is placed in the anus.

Overcome this by giving him the cold blanket. Warm the same ambient temperature or room where the baby is located. Able to turn off air conditioning or warm the child's body with 60 watt lamp placed above his bed. The distance is approximately 1.5 meters from the child's body. Hold the child with affection, "In fact this is the best way," said the doctor who practices at the clinic also my son Cinere. However, when children sleep better warmed with a lamp. Far better if children were using a heated mattress. If not go to normal body temperature, immediately brought the child to the nearest doctor.

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