
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Strength Powerful Kissing Babies For Intelligence

Hot kiss from both parents at the heart of fruit, indirectly to hone emotional intelligence for the child.
"What is meant here is a kiss that shows compassion in children. It could be done at any time, the more frequent the better," said Agustina Rusdiah SPSI, SPdI, consultant child and family psychology, in Gorontalo.
He mentioned, not only kiss, but hugs or caresses and soft words can also stimulate the child's emotional intelligence.
In addition, praise, applause, or a thank you for good behavior exhibited by children, also can support it.
All of that, he added, can be parents to their children aged under five and thereafter.
"A kiss is a form of appreciation and praise to the child. That way, he will feel very appreciated by his parents, and encourages to do positive things," said the host family and child psychology in Gorontalo FM Radio Kosmonita it.
It is said, if the children do negative things, or anything that might harm himself or others, then parents should not necessarily get the words out loud or rude to him.
"Give him advice in plain language as he stroked or cuddled," she said.
In addition, punishment is also judged necessary, as long as it is didactic, and not done physically, said Rusdiah added.
Some genetic potential can be predicted, some are not. Seeing the newborn provides its own sensation. Not only are we made exasperated look on his face that cute, but also discussed with the spirit of this little one who is similar. "His eyes were very similar to his mama. But it obviously has his father's nose!" "Well, well ... really loud cries. I think ya going to be grumpy. Perhaps declining from his father!"
Every baby is born it has the properties derived from the father or mother or from the lineage of both parents, whether the grandmother-grandfather who then passed down to the child's parents. This is called genetic potential, the properties that will continue to stick and will be deployed next generation. For example, the baby's skin is white but brown-skinned parents could have got from his grandmother who appears to have lighter skin color.
Physical potential is the genetic potential of the most clearly visible. This potential, particularly the potential height, also can be predicted. Other potential that can "predict" unfortunately is a disease derived. Some of these include diabetes, hemophilia, thalassemia, and asthma / allergy.
While other genetic potential of such emotions and behavior can be proved especially difficult to predict. Even if the baby does not like smiling or crying inconsolably and if it deemed too similar to his father, who rarely smiled, it was alleged (without being able to be proven).
What about the intelligence of a child? Both cognitive intelligence and multiple intelligences, such as Howard Gardner popularized origins are still debated. Whether influenced by hereditary factors or environmental influences. Because there are so many confusing facts. A study on twins, one egg is separated and raised by different parents appeared to have the same level of intelligence. From this it can be concluded that the intelligence was not "outcome" of care but rather dominated by genetic factors. However, some studies actually give the opposite result. A child who is intelligent (high IQ), because they do not get optimal stimulation in parenting children who then grow up to be mediocre.
Because of that, until recently experts concluded that the potential of genetic factors and environmental role in stimulating the intelligence as important. Genetic potential of intelligence when ditumbuhsuburkan with maximal stimulation environment will provide optimal results.
Therefore, regardless of genetic potential of children, we are obligated to provide and deliver the best care. Thus, all the positive genetic potential to grow whereas the negative genetic potential can be suppressed or controlled.
How do I? There are 3 main things that must be met for the genetic potential of children grow and develop optimally, namely:
1. Physical-biological needs. This requirement must be met because of an effect on physical growth, including brain, sensing devices and motion tools for exploration environment, which in turn will impact on many children's intelligence. To fulfill this requirement is necessary, among others, nutrition (breastfeeding, complementary feeding), immunization, hygiene and environmental agencies shelter, medication, kinesthetic stimulation and play.
2. Needs love. This needs a big influence on self-reliance and emotional intelligence of children. Include: fondling, touching, kissing, feeling protected, feel safe and comfortable, cared for and respected, heard the desire or opinion, do not give priority to punishment and anger, but many gave examples of compassion and joy.
3. Stimulation of playing early. This need is greatest effect on a variety of children's intelligence (multiple intelligence). Stimulation includes a variety of games that stimulate all the senses (hearing, sight, touch, smell, taste), stimulates the rough and smooth movement, communication, social-emotional, self-reliance, thinking and creativity.
The three basic needs must be given at the same time as a baby in the womb. When the physical-biological needs are not fulfilled, affects less, often ill, then no optimal brain development. When the need for emotion and affection are not fulfilled then too low emotional intelligence. Stimulation of everyday play must be varied for the development of infants experienced cover all aspects of the existing intelligence. With these needs are met early on, then other good genetic potential to grow optimally.
Then how do I reduce the potential negative genetic? Easy. As long as children are treated with proper affection, then the negative nature will be hidden and undeveloped. As for the negative potential associated with hereditary, so far only experts can predict. However, at least by knowing the possibility of congenital disease, which can be done various actions to minimize to the lowest level of risk

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