
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Similar Baby Face Father or Mother?

Why babies can look a lot like you. Or, conversely, did not like at all. How can this happen?
Every parent who first felt it was important to have a baby hook to see the face babies for the first time. "Well, like her mother," said the doctor who delivered during the mother-child allowing the child to meet face for the first time. Comments submitted by friends and relatives who visit your new baby can also surprise like this, "Well, like his father as a child!". Quite often the mother gets upset, as if "its share" very little.
Genetic heritage. Similar or not similar, which obviously every child is always given the "legacy" of the genetic father and mother. Sperm are met terlur cell genes that already carry the material respectively.
So, inevitably, the child was not able to choose what is "inherited" from parents. Both the legacy of the genetic material that appears as a particular physical traits such as eye color, stature, and others. Or who does not look like a disease, blood type and other.
This process initially. Indeed, the amount of genetic material that you and your partner down to the child remains the same. Half of the father and half from the mother. Therefore, implicitly the father and mother are each contributed 50% of the genetic material on chromosome child.
Mature egg cells contain 23 chromosomes, as well as sperm cells, have 23 chromosomes. Pair of eggs or sperm cell chromosomes, like shoes or sandals are paired, right and left. When there is the process of fertilization, the sperm cells and egg cells "fit" to meet and work together as pairs of chromosomes duties.
Thus, when fertilization occurs, in normal conditions, 23 chromosomes of the egg will merge with 23 chromosomes of the sperm, so membantuk 23 pairs of chromosomes. From here the human embryo.
Among the 23 pairs of chromosomes, there are a pair of so-called sex chromosomes, which determine the future baby will be male or female. The rest, 22 pairs of chromosomes (44 chromosomes), commonly referred to as a chromosome or autosomes.
Chromosome or autosomes itself consists of thousands of genes. In our bodies, there are about 80,000 to 100,000 genes. Information material from the tens of thousands of genes that descended father and mother that is working to set all functions of body cells that looked like skin color, hair, bone shape, until the digestive function. Even the expected intellectual ability was a manifestation of genes inherited one or both parents.

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