
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Math Games for Kindergarten

If you are a parent or teacher of pre-school children, and if you are looking for games to build up Their math, you've come to the right place. At the bottom of this page are links to installments games Designed to help a preschool child GRASP basic math concepts. Read on!
Kindergarten kids learn by experience
Not by Rote learning! Think about your own understanding of the real basic math. One favorite question I hear is this: Why does two and two make four? Of course, there's a technical high-falutin 'math professors answer only That Could Be bothered with. But for everyone else? It just does! There's no why about it!

I asked my little tyke a similar question one day. Had he been going to Kindergarten for Almost a year. His Kindergarten aimed not just to teach kids to recite numbers, but to give the little angels a true sense of what numbers mean. Wanting to see how well Melvin's Teachers Had done, I tested uterus.
"Daddy, what's a pair?"
That was the question That Gave the opportunity. I toll uterus a pair was two of something. Then I asked uterus:
"So, if you Had two pairs, how many would you have?"
After thinking for a moment, he Gave the answer: "Four!"
Multiplication! And WHO was from a kid Barely four years old! So I asked another question uterus.
"If you Had three pairs of train tickets, train tickets how many would you have?"
"That's right! But why is it six?"
I was hoping for Some deep insight into his mental genius, Some gem of inspiration I Could share with the world. Unfortunately, he replied ...
"Because you have six trains, and six buses, and six trains!"
Well, so much for gems of inspiration! Intuitive Knowledge
Later it occurred to me - my little Melvin probably found the question as strange as Adults do. Why does a two times three equal six? I imagine uterus thinking, why six? It just is, daddy! Like Melvin, none of us learned numbers by Rote or logic. Instead, We learned Them by repeated exposure. We see Six Things. We are toll it is six. This Happens again and again, and over time, somehow We unconsciously come to "know" what six means. All at Kindergarten age.
Of course, pre-primary children be taught math cans. However, it's best to cooperate with nature's way, and find Ways to Expose Them to numbers through daily life, or through fun and games.
I've provided, on this site, a bunch of free printable math games Kindergarten. Whether you are a teacher or a parent, earnest They help give the children you love this repetitive exposure to numbers, arithmetic, size, and other math concepts. All are free, and Some need little more preparation Than clicking "print". If this is what you have been looking for, well, the pleasure is mine ...
An Advent Calendar, Besides being a great Christmas tradition, helps teach younger kids counting and calendars in a fun, exciting way. Download and print this free advent calendar, make-up up with a trimmer and glue, and enjoy the Christmas countdown with your child. Good for grades Kindy to 3
Kindy Some Bingo has printable bingo cards 3x3, Suitable for kids WHO know the numbers 1 through 10. EACH set of three numbers appears at most once in the set of cards. If you do not Want To have a winner after only three numbers are Called out, the web page explains the which three numbers be your first three cans. Good for grades Kindy and 1
Sometimes a bit of practice helps. The worksheets on this page give a child practice both counting and recognizing printed numbers. The kid is supposed to read a printed number, then draw the correct number of objects in the space provided. Good for grades Kindy
Another worksheet for practicing counting and reading numbers. This time, the child must match the printed number against the box with the correct number of circles. Try it! Good for grades Kindy
Math is not just about numbers. On this page I've provided a printable version of a toy my mom Gave me as a child. It's a collection of tiles of different shapes, sizes and colors. The page Also Gives suggestions for how you Might use Them to benefit your kid or kids. You'll need a color printer. Good for grades Kindy
This is the Online Traffic Jam Game. Traffic Jam Game Nowhere is the famous games you have to move the red car out of the traffic JAMMED parking lots. This free online version has hundreds of puzzles, as well as links to PC, Mac and Android versions you buy cans. Good for grades Kindy to 12
Do you have a group of Kindy kids struggling to remember Addition sums up to 10? Try this math board games on Them. You'll need to do Some printing and cutting first, and find a die (dice) and Some playing pieces. Good for grades Kindy to 2
This page has a link to a file you cans printed onto cardboard and cut out, to make a great toy for learning numbers and arithmetic. It's a set of blocks - or at least, the closest I Could get to a set of blocks printed on cardboard. The page Also Suggests a number of games you cans teach a child to help Them get the most out of the game. You'll need a color printer. Good for grades Kindy
Try Fish WHO Plus One for kids need to practice Addition Their basic skills. Played this game several cans with a normal pack of cards, once the picture cards have been removed. Once your kids get good at Fish Plus One, move on to Fish Them Plus Two, Plus Three Fish, and finally Fish Plus Plus! Good for grades Kindy and 1
Not exactly a game, but certainly a useful tool for teaching kids Addition and subtraction facts - Either through memory exercises actively, or passively through osmosis! Addition and subtraction These tables and charts are free, and ready for you to print and use. Good for grades Kindy and 1
This Addition Worksheet Generator lets you generate as many worksheets as You Want for addition. The questions cans be as simple as 2 +3, or as complex as 35495 +37204 +114532 +38962 and beyond. You use a form to say how many problems Tea You Want on the worksheet, and how Difficult You Want it to be. You can give the permalink to the worksheet to your students so They can do the questions, and keep the secret permalink solutions. Try it now! Good for grades Kindy
One of these worksheets Addition and subtraction is especially Designed as a learning tool, not just a revision exercise. The sums are ordered so That the child working through earnest Them discover for themselves the Relationship Between Addition and subtraction, and other Important points. There are plain vanilla Some revision worksheets too! Good for grades Kindy and 1

Get into Groups Of ... five minus two! This game is a great game for younger children - Because it involves lots of running around! Good for Kindy kids, Also for 1st and 2nd Graders. The page shows how to vary the rules to make it interesting for older children too. Good for grades Kindy to 2
Here's a fun game That Is Almost guaranteed to make your kids love math, particularly addition. They'll love it for one simple reason - food! To play the game, you only need a printout of the colorful picture provided (there's Also a black-and-white version), and a supply of small yummy snacks. Sultanas worked best for my son. Full instructions, and tips on how to Avoid pitfalls behavior, are provided. Good for grades Kindy

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