
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Liquids Magic: BMS (breast milk)

    And We commanded to man (do good) to two mother-father, his mother had conceived him in a state of weakness that increase steadily, and weaning in two years. Give thanks to Me and to your fathers mother of two, only to return unto me. (Surah Luqman, 31:14)
Breast milk (ASI) is a matchless creation of God to meet the nutritional needs of infants and protect against possible disease. The balance of nutrients in mother's milk is at its best and has the form of milk best for baby's immature body. At the same time, breastfeeding is also very rich in food juices that accelerates the growth of brain cells and systems development saraf.1 artificial foods for infants who are mixed using the technology of today is not able to emulate the benefits of this miraculous food.
List the benefits of breastfeeding for infants is being added every day. Research shows that babies fed breast milk are particularly protected from the disease attacks the respiratory and digestive systems. This is because the immune substances in breast milk provide direct protection against disease attack. Other properties of breast milk also provides protection against disease is the provision of a friendly environment for bacteria "profitable" so-called "normal flora". The presence of these bacteria inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses and parasites. Additionally, it has been proved also that there are elements in breast milk that can form the immune system against infectious diseases and helped to work properly. 2
Since it has been mixed in particular, milk is the most easily digested food your baby. Although very rich in nutrients, breast milk is easily digested by the baby's digestive system is vulnerable. That's why babies spend less energy in digesting milk, so he could use the remaining energy for other bodily activities, growth and organ development.
The milk of mothers who have had premature babies contains higher levels of fat, protein, sodium, chloride, and iron to meet the needs of the baby. In fact has been proved that the function of the baby's eyes develop better in premature babies who were breastfed and they perform better in intelligence tests. In addition, they also have many other advantages.
One of the things that cause breast milk is necessary for the development of a new baby is the content of omega-3 oil alpha linoleic acid. Aside from being a substance essential for the human brain and retina, these oils are also very important for newborns. Omega-3 is particularly important during pregnancy and the early stages of infant age by which the brain and nerves are growing at a nomal. Scientists are particularly emphasize the importance of breastfeeding as a natural and perfect from the omega-3. 3
Furthermore, research by Bristol University scientists revealed that among the benefits of breast milk is the long-term impact on blood pressure, with which the hazard rate of heart attacks can be reduced. The research team concluded that the protection provided by breast milk is caused by nutritional content. According to the findings, published in the medical journal Circulation, breast-fed babies less likely to develop heart disease. It has been revealed that the presence of fatty acids unsaturated long-chain (which prevents hardening of the arteries), and the fact that breast-fed babies consume less sodium (which is closely related to blood pressure) and do not experience excessive weight gain, a few at between the benefits of breastfeeding for heart manusia.4
In addition, research groups led by Dr. Lisa Martin, of the Medical Center Cincinnati Children's Hospital in the United States, found high levels of protein hormone known as adiponectin in breast milk. 5 High levels of adiponectin in the blood associated with a lower risk of heart attack. Low adiponectin levels are found in people who are overweight and who have an increased risk of heart attacks. Therefore, it is known that the risk of being overweight in babies fed breast milk declined in relation to this hormone. More than that, they also discovered the presence of another hormone called leptin in breast milk that has a major role in fat metabolism. Leptin is believed to be a messenger molecule to the brain that there is fat in the body. So, according to a statement Dr. Martin, the hormones that obtained during the baby through breast milk reduces the risk of diseases such as overweight, diabetes type 2 and insulin resistance, and diseases of the main arteries of the heart. 6
Facts about the "Best Food Fresh" [ASI]
Full Hygiene May not be established in water or other foodstuffs Than mother's milk.
Facts about breast milk does not stop here. Important role it plays on the health of infants change with the stages through which the infant and the type of nutrients needed in certain stages. The content of the milk change to meet those very specific needs. ASI, which is always ready at any time and always at the most appropriate temperature, plays a major role in brain development because they contain sugar and fat. In addition, elements such as calcium which has played a major role in the development of baby's bones.
Although it is called milk, this miraculous compound actually consists mostly of water. This is the most important feature because in addition to food, babies also need liquid in the form of water. The situation is really clean and healthy may not be established in water or foodstuffs other than mother's milk. But breast milk - at least 90% water -, the baby's water needs in the most clean and healthy.
Breastfeeding and Intelligence
Scientific research shows that cognitive development in babies fed breast milk is better than other infants. A comparative analysis of infants breast-fed and formula-fed infants by James W. Anderson - an expert from the University of Kentucky - to prove that IQ [intelligence] breast-fed babies were 5 points higher than other babies. Based on the results of this study established that breast milk is given up to 6 months of intelligence useful for infants, and children who are breastfed less than 8 weeks show no IQ benefit. 7
Is Breastfeeding Can Fight Cancer?
Based on the results of all the research has been done, proved that breast milk, on which hundreds of papers have been published, to protect babies against cancer. This has been known, although in fact the mechanism is not fully understood. When a milk protein to kill tumor cells that have been grown in laboratories without damaging any healthy cells, researchers stated that a great potential have emerged. Catharina Svanborg, professor of clinical immunology at Lund University, Sweden, led the research team that discovered these miraculous secrets of mother's milk 8 This team at Lund University have described the mother's milk provides protection against many types of cancer as a miraculous discovery.
Initially, researchers treated the cells of intestinal mucous membrane taken from newborn babies with breast milk. They observed that the disruption caused by the bacterium Pneumococcus and known as pneumonia was efficiently halted by mother's milk. Moreover, breast-fed babies have far less hearing loss than those fed on formula and suffer far fewer respiratory infections. After a series of studies, shown that milk also provides protection against cancer. After showing that lymphatic cancer observed in childhood were nine times more often affects children who are fed infant formula, they realize that the same results apply also to other types of cancer. According to the results of these studies, breast milk accurately locates the cancer cells and kill them. Is a substance called alpha-lac (alphalactalbumin), contained in large quantities in breast milk, which recognize the existence of a cancer cell and kill it. Alpha-lac is produced by a protein that helps manufacture the sugar lactose in water susu.9
Blessings Without Limited This is the gift of God
Another amazing characteristic of human milk is the fact that breastfeeding is very beneficial to infants when breast-feeding for two years. 10 Knowledge of this important, only recently discovered by science, has been revealed by Allah fourteen centuries ago in his verse: "The mothers shall suckle their children for two whole years, ie for those who want to improve breastfeeding ..." (QS , Al Baqarah, 2:233)
The mother is not who decides to make the milk, the best source of nutrients for a weak baby who need food in their bodies. The mother will not be the determining various levels of nutrients contained in breast milk. God Almighty was, Who knows the needs of every living thing and to show affection to him, Who creates mother's milk for babies in the mother's body.

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