
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gymnastics Brain to Stimulate Infant Intelligence

EXCEPT genetic factors, the intelligence of a baby or child is also dependent on environmental factors. Among other things, proper nutrition, immunization, and stimulation or stimulation.

Infants who received continuous stimulation accurately and will certainly affect brain development. With so expected physical, mental, and intellectual will go beyond basic skills or genetic potential.

Research proves that the experiences and stimuli received in the first year of life affects the development and brain function later in life.

Kartini Sapardjiman, Chairman of the Indonesian Brain Gymnastics, said the baby's intelligence can also be optimized with brain gym. Brain gym exercises that are strung over body movements are dynamic and crosses. Gymnastics is to encourage the balance of activity of both hemispheres simultaneously. Hopefully, the potential of both hemispheres will be balanced so that the child's intelligence becomes maximum.
"There are many people just use it so that his left brain right brain potential is not fully utilized," said Kartini, the seminar "Brain Gymnastics Pregnant Women and Infants Stimulates Early Brain Potential" organized in cooperation Brain Gym Club Omni Medical Center ( OMC) and Kelapa Gading Pulomas OMC Hospital, Jakarta.

On the same occasion, the child expert Omni Medical Center, Dr. Caroline Mulawi, said stimulation in infants can be done since the baby in the womb, ie since the age of three months of pregnancy.

"Stimulation can include sound and tactile (palpation). From some research has shown that babies who received stimulation while in the womb have a higher intelligence level than the 14 points that do not get the stimulation," said Caroline.

Stimulation should be done every day at every opportunity to interact with infants, such as bathing, changing diapers, feeding, feeding, holding, take a walk, play, watch TV, even at bedtime. Stimulation should be done in an atmosphere of safe, comfortable, fun, loving, and happy.

In principle, all words, attitudes, and actions the mother or caregiver who repeatedly will be recorded in the baby's brain so that it will be imitated by the infant at risk. What do babies see, hear, or feel will be a new experience for the baby so that he will try to do it myself.

SINCE the year 2001 has been found that brain exercises can optimize the development and potential of the brain. The brain is divided into two, the right hemisphere of the brain and left brain hemispheres. Right brain function for intuitive, feeling, music, dance, creative, look at the whole, and body expression. While the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for logical and rational thinking, analyzing, talking, oriented to time, and detailed matters.

Brain gym exercises using Edu-K or training and kinesis (movement) will use the entire brain through the renewal of a particular movement pattern to open up parts of the brain that were previously closed or obstructed.

Brain gym can be done by anyone, including infants. Gymnastics at the infant brain is actually very simple. For example, moving the limbs are crossed with an intermediary for the toy. Can-shaped robot, doll, ball, balloon, or anything that fit the child's age. It is important, the movement that carried the child through the body's midline between the right and left body parts.

The most high learning ability is achieved if the two sides of the brain, two eyes, two ears and active and can work well together. In addition, exercise also coordinated and balanced. The meeting is a movement that crosses the center of the brain gym.

Gymnastics performed brain through three dimensions, namely lateralitas communications, focusing on comprehension, and concentration settings. Lateralitas communication (left-right dimension) aims to optimize the ability to learn. Movement is about to hear, see, write, move, and a positive attitude. These movements were absorbing more rapid communication capabilities.

For example, the ball is moved to the left to right in front of the baby, or baby holding a toy and then moved to the left to right. Rattle can also be moved to the left to right are crosses. Clap-clap also trained baby's hearing. Babies hold our fingers and then moved to the left to right, or form a figure eight sleep. Whatever the origin dimensional motion to the left to right.

Focusing understanding (front-back dimension) and the concentration of useful help readiness to accept new things and express what is already known. The movement of muscle stretching exercises involving concentration, understanding, and understanding. For example, by folding the knees and elbows baby repeatedly or raised his hand upward and then moved to the front to the rear.

Convergence arrangements (dimensions up-down) helps increase energy-related work, organize, test or exam. It is useful to help all the potential and skills that are owned and controlled emotion, such as moving his head up and down, lifting light weights or other objects, then moved up and down.

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