If you are a parent or teacher of pre-school children, and if you are looking for games to build up Their math, you've come to the right place. At the bottom of this page are links to installments games Designed to help a preschool child GRASP basic math concepts. Read on!
Kindergarten kids learn by experience
Not by Rote learning! Think about your own understanding of the real basic math. One favorite question I hear is this: Why does two and two make four? Of course, there's a technical high-falutin 'math professors answer only That Could Be bothered with. But for everyone else? It just does! There's no why about it!
Kindergarten kids learn by experience
Not by Rote learning! Think about your own understanding of the real basic math. One favorite question I hear is this: Why does two and two make four? Of course, there's a technical high-falutin 'math professors answer only That Could Be bothered with. But for everyone else? It just does! There's no why about it!